Bugs! Provocation Kit Overdue

This kit was designed with the four fundamentals of How does learning happen? in mind.  This kit was made for all age groups.

Take this outside or explore inside, this Bugs! exploration kit is geared for both.  Including 4 bugnoculars to be filled with all the treasures you can find, bug like or nature based the magnifying sides and eyes provide a close up view of all your specimens. 

5 different sets of specimens encased in hard resin are great for helping to identify more common creatures you find in our area.

It takes a very steady hand to pull a block from the tower—without causing our bugs to come crashing down! Players just roll the die to select a color...then pull a matching bug block from the tower and place it on top—being careful not to let the bugs fall! For 2-4 players

Please note that the bugnoculars will be empty for your class to fill how they please!